Most businesses struggle with finding new clients and customers to grow the business exponentially, even when they have the best product, customer service, and tools available at their fingers. And also, involving cash in the transaction brings a downtrend for the company’s savings account as they cannot dispose of their extra stock.
Direct Bartering is the direct exchange of goods or services without cash or a third-party medium. In today's world, businesses rely on direct bartering to save their money, grow the business effectively, and eliminate the extra inventory in exchange for valuable goods. But the main three obstacles that restrict direct barter deals are time, need, and value. That's why most of the time direct barter fails.
Hence, Think Barter has made the entire process more straightforward for businesses and freelancers to swap their products and services with other relevant businesses to move the business's growth trend in a positive direction and also get the chance toscale exponentially.
Think Barter is a third-party record keeper; it facilitates trading between members. It has made it simpler and more effective for businesses to reduce their expenses and build a strong community of B2B partners from across the globe.
As a business owner or a freelancer, you could easily partner up with the Think BarterNetwork to grow your business exponentially. When you become a member, you can buy through TBN any product or service whenever you want without being restricted by time and need. Concerning the value of the product or service, the Think Barter Network has incorporated appointing system to calculate each transaction (Value: 1 JOD = 1 POINT). This system makes the entire process flexible and desirable for business partners.
You would be amazed to know that the Think Barter Network (TBN) has already made 10000 sales and purchases transactions possible in the past five years among the 250 member companies and 150 individual freelancers in Jordan and 220,000 internationally who trust this platform to turn their underutilized and downtimes into growth whilesaving the cash.
How to start the bartering process via Think Barter?
When you decide to trade your products with other successful businesses on the Think Barter platform, you get an interest-free credit line to use as working capital to start trading. Then you offer your inventory on TBN digital platform. You could scan TBN business partners on the platform that could be of benefit to your business. You contact them, negotiate the offer, and if you agree on the price you complete the purchase. All the way long TBN Trade Consultant will provide the help needed
Build a community and add more products to scale your business
The Think Barter platform has attracted several businesses owners across the Arab World who are eager to get involved in trading with you. When you decide to go big and have partnerships with other businesses, you constantly have the opportunity to establish new business connections. You could also add more products to scale your business and sharpen your brand edge.
When you add more products to the Think Barter platform, you get the freedom and endless range of possibilities to sell your products and trade with other relevant and entirely new products that could be helpful for your business.
Learn more about THINK BARTER and check out the ThinkBarter Network (TBN) today